Club Slalom – Volunteer Information

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Our slalom event at Oughtibridge is less than 2 weeks away. A big thank you to all those that have already volunteered to come and help out.

I’ve emailed all club members as we still have room for more people to get involved, so email me ( or sign up on webcollect. Hopefully it will be a good club social event as well as a successful race weekend (and fingers crossed we’ll make a bit of money for the club too!)

Attached is some Important Slalom Volunteer Information so everyone knows a bit more about what is happening over the weekend, and the times we are meeting on site, setting up and running the event.

It also includes information about he basic camping available on site.

There’s also a provisional list of volunteer teams / roles – hopefully we’ll have lots of people so everyone gets to do short stints and has time to watch or even have a go at racing! (more details on that are in the info too).  These are flexible so if you don’t like the suggested role we can swap things around – nothing is too complicated and we can get you up to speed on all the jobs with a few minutes training.

I’m looking forward to running our first club slalom in over 10 years – finger crossed for some decent weather!

